Saturday, August 26, 2006

Back in the saddle

I'm not sure which saddle we're talking about, but I'm back anyway. This summer has been an incredible whirlwind of Angola, wedding, and class mumbled together, and now the fall semester has caught me not quite prepared. So I'm working my tail off. Actually, I'm taking a break to post on a long-forgotten blog. If I can manage it, I'll post a few tidbits of our trip to Angola during the next several weeks.

I've also started editing Wikipedia in my not-so-free time. It's fun, even if certain critics think it's a waste of brain power, or perhaps lack thereof. You might enjoy it too.


Mark said...

It's great to have you back! You haven't talked in forever!

Unknown said...

you know what I just noticed about your title... let me give it to you like jeopordy

"umm what are things you burn?"

James T Wood said...

Welcome back to the blog-munity-osphere-webs. It's hard to be consistent with this thing, especially without consistent time for it and consistent internet access in the domicile.